
Discerningly Versed - Effective Iterative Learning Quiz Questions - General 6
Discerningly Versed - Effective Iterative Learning

Of the £300 bln UK Government Income how much comes from Income Tax ?


180 billion
90 billion
45 billion
135 billion

The US spends $4093 per capita on health, the UK spends ?



In 1998 the UK exports totalled how much ?


£165 bln
£6.5 bln
£100 bln

Of the £300 bln UK Government Income how much comes from alcohol duty ?


£24 billion
£6 billion
£3 billion
£12 billion

The UK defence budget is typically how much ?


£70 billion
£7 billion
£3.5 billion
£35 billion

In 1998 the UK imports totalled how much ?


£391 bln
£191 bln
£91 bln
£291 bln

Which UK company has the most employees ?


Rentokil Initial
British Telecom

Of the £300 bln UK Government Income how much is spent on health ?


£135 billion
£25 billion
£45 billion
£105 billion

France spends $2349 per capita on health, Germany spends ?



The number of people in the UK armed forces is ?


200 000
100 000
50 000
150 000

Discerningly Versed www.dniv.com 2012